26 colorful illustrated Yoga Alphabet Cards

one letter and one asana per card

extra large and durable cards

Made for children’s hands

The YOGA-ALPHABET cards are extra large so that the illustrations and details are easy to see.

The little ones should love playing with it. And to ensure, that the cards last for along time, they are printed on extra thick cardboard and laminated on both sides.

  • Height : 15 cm
  • Width : 10,5 cm
  • printed on 450 g/m2 cardboard
  • gloss lamination on both sides for extra long durability
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always easy and quick to clean up!

practice yoga

The colorfully illustrated YOGA ALPHABET cards make children's eyes light up and encourage them to participate. Little ones love imitating the asanas on the cards. A great story can quickly be told with just a few cards, everyone joins in and has fun!

learn the alphabet

Even the youngest children recognize and learn the individual letters very quickly. Playfully easy. The older ones can use the YOGA ALPHABET cards to create short words and then carry out the associated asanas.

quality time together

No matter whether in children's yoga class or at home. What could be better than spending time with our little ones. Experience adventures together with the YOGA-ALPHABET cards and immerse yourself in a fantasy world. Nothing connects more! And it's good for the parents too.

Kids Yoga at home-

YOGA-ALPHABET cards in action

Kids Yoga has such a positive effect on a psychological and physical level. The asanas ensure emotional balance and can also improve health.
Most importantly, children’s yoga should be fun. Especially at home, with your parents.
Children’s yoga should challenge without overwhelming. Experience yoga adventures together and strengthen the parent-child bond.

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My Idea

I have been passionate about yoga for over 7 years now and I noticed early on how it helps me stay healthy and full of energy every day.

When my daughter turned 2 years old, she started “playing” yoga with me. This enabled me to specifically support her and see how positively she has developed as a result.

In addition to my training as a yoga teacher (Lotos School Basel-Zurich), I certified as a children’s yoga teacher. Since then I have been teaching children’s yoga in small groups in Basel.

For my children’s yoga classes, I was always looking for something that would make children’s eyes light up and get the little ones excited about yoga. But it was also important to me that the children could be challenged and supported not only physically but also mentally.

My ideas were implemented with a children’s book illustrator and the result is my YOGA ALPHABET cards for children. The colorful and detailed illustrated cards invite you to participate. At the same time you can learn the alphabet and the colors with it. Super easy!

I hope you will have fun with my YOGA-ALPHABET cards for children and I look forward to any feedback. – Karyna

Your YOGA-ALPHABET cards -

Order Now!

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Simply fill out the form below and click “ORDER NOW”. You will get your payment Information and invoice by email.

I currently offer payment by bank transfer, Payapal or credit card.

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1 Set of YOGA-ALPHABET cards contain

  • 26 YOGA-ALPHABET cards (A-Z)
  • 1 deck card
  • 1 bag for storage

Price per set : 35 CHF / 35 EURO

plus 4,00 CHF / 4 EURO shipping to
Germany, Austria, Switzerland/Liechtenstein and Rest EU!

* ask for shipment to other countries before (info@yoga-abc-cards.com)
* shipping conditions / return conditions

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Karyna Meier

Grossmattstrasse 11
4133 Pratteln


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